PLANET observations support NASA's Deep Impact mission

PLANET observations support NASA's Deep Impact mission

First posted on homepage: 26-May-2005
Moved to news archive: 6-Oct-2005

On 12-Jan 2005, NASA has successfully lauched its Deep Impact spacecraft which is on its way to comet 9P/Tempel-1, which it is to hit on 4-Jul. This will provide the first look inside a comet with the aim to find clues to the origins of life in our Solar System. With its network of telescopes and its experience in regular monitoring, PLANET is well-suited in providing images of the comet (new: gallery available) on a daily basis. Being part of a world-wide campaign, coordinated by Karen Meech, such images will allow to study the evolution of the properties of the comet before, during, and after the impact. Our observations also provide astrometry being used for coordinate checks and potential corrections of the trajectory of the satellite. One of our images is also featured on the ESO Deep Impact pages. According to plan, the impactor has hit the comet on 4-Jul at 5:52 UT. The result can be seen in images taken before and after the collision.

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