Summary of 1997 Microlensing Events Monitored by PLANET

Last updated: 13 August 1997
(Information valid as of that date)

The PLANET collaboration updates this list daily (well, almost . . .) during PLANET observing periods, using its on-going observations performed at four southern observatories . Where PLANET data is incomplete, supplemental information from the MACHO Alert Page is also used. This updated database is provided as an aid to observers. Although every effort is made to maintain its accuracy, PLANET cannot guarantee the validity of any of these preliminary data.

PLANET observations for the 1997 Galactic bulge season have now ended.

Event RA Dec Status Peak Amp Dur m(0) m(t)         Comments        
MB-97-01 17:59:53.4 -29:09:08 over March 1     R=16.5 ~16.5 binary lens
MB-97-08 17:59:35.3 -30:08:48 over May 6 ~18.1 ~93 R=18.5 ~18.5 close neighbor
MB-97-09 18:12:44.1 -25:57:18 over May 6 ~3.9 ~104 R=18.9 ~18.9 long duration
MB-97-10 18:07:07.1 -27:52:34 over April 13 ~13.3 ~17 R=16.4 ~16.4 crowded
MB-97-15 18:32:43.6 -13:44:19 over May 4 ~2.1 ~88 R=18.7 ~18.7  
MB-97-18 18:03:15.3 -28:00:14 falling June 11 ~2.5 ~159 R=17.7 ~17.5 long duration
MB-97-22 18:09:15.5 -24:58:15 over May 12 ~8.6 ~21 R=19.1 ~19.1  
MB-97-23 18:33:36.0 -13:35:09 over May 16 ~2.5 ~38 R=19.3 ~19.3  
MB-97-24 18:04:20.3 -27:24:45 over May 26 ~2.3? ~10 R=17.4 ~17.4  
MB-97-25 18:12:7.3 -29:47:54 over May 25 ~2.6 ~44 R=17.1 ~17.1  
MB-97-26 18:00:06.9 -29:38:06 falling July 5 ~8.0 ~122 R=18.1 ~17.5 long duration
MB-97-28 18:00:33.8 -28:01:10 anomalous June 15     R=16.9 ~16.8 Multiple lensing event
MB-97-30 18:10:09.4 -27:56:46 over June 1 ~4.8 ~21 R=18.7 ~18.7  
MB-97-31 18:07:08.4 -25:49:21 over May 25 ~1.7 ~82 R=15.7 ~15.6 bright
MB-97-36 17:58:22.8 -28:59:55 over June 15? ~3.3? ~32 R=18.4 ~18.4 bright neighbors
MB-97-37 18:03:58.7 -29:58:49 over June 12 ~1.8 ~24 R=16.9 ~16.8 crowded
MB-97-41 17:56:20.7 -28:47:42 anomalous June 18?     R=18.2 ~17.0 Multiple lensing event
MB-97-43 18:01:59.1 -29:12:41 anomalous July 15 ~9.7 ~46 R=18.8 ?? MACHO secondary alert
MB-97-45 18:21:1.8 -28:46:45 rising Aug 20 ~2.0 ~137 R=19.2 ??  
MB-97-46 18:10:50.7 -28:04:48 over July 2 ~1.6 ~29 R=17.3 ~17.3  
MB-97-48 17:56:12.8 -29:37:35 falling July 14 ~9.2 ~29 R=20.0 ~19.9  
MB-97-49 18:01:58.4 -28:50:08 over July 13 ~1.7 ~20 R=17.9 ~17.7  
MB-97-50 17:58:58.9 -28:50:08 over July 17 ~1.7 ~6 R=17.6 ~17.6 short duration
MB-97-51 18:00:50.0 -27:58:45 falling July 31 ~1.9 ~50 R=19.6 ~18.6  
MB-97-52 18:04:29.2 -29:22:23 peak Aug 8 ~1.6 ~32 R=18.2 ~17.5  
MB-97-53 17:57:07.4 -29:05:29 falling Aug 3 ~2.5 ~7 R=19.9 ~19.8 short duration
MB-97-54 18:06:07.9 -29:59:26 falling Aug 3 ~1.35 ~190 R=17.9 ~17.6 very long duration
MB-97-55 18:18:04.4 -23:02:11 rising Sep 2 ~2.0 ~107 R=19.8 ~18.9 long duration
MB-97-56 17:5:28.7 -29:33:42 rising Aug 24 ~1.7 ~42 R=14.8 ~14.2 very bright, giant
MB-97-57 18:01:15.0 -29:01:48 peak Aug 13 ~2.7 ~15 R=18.9 ~17.8  
MB-97-58 18:04:09.7 -27:44:35 rising Aug 18 ~1.6 ~44 R=16.7 ~16.2 bright
MB-97-59 18:00:52.2 -29:29:52 rising Aug 15 ~16.6 ~11 R=16.6 ~16.0 bright

Event Name: MB-97-01 = MACHO-detected Bulge event from 1997, #01 in alert list: MACHO 97-BLG-01
RA and DEC: Equinox J2000
Status: over = Appears to be past Einstein ring (A < 1.34)
Peak Day: Date that event reached maximum amplification A
Amp: Peak amplification A
Dur: Total event duration (A > 1.34) in days
m(0): Unamplified source magnitude in indicated band
m(t): Approximate current magnitude in same band
Comments: Special Remarks

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